Airi McLean
knowledge from books, power from looks
AGE 36


COURT She says far away from magical politics thank you ever so


RESIDENCE An apartment over the tea house she owns in the middle of the town

ABILITIES Airi is a witch, but she isn't fond of doing magic when she doesn't have to. It's not that she disapproves of it. Far from it. She just doesn't want to become dependant on it. She's seen people who treat it almost like a drug, who need a 'hit' to function. She's an herbalist, not a spellcaster.

HISTORY If you ask her what's happened in her life, she'll respond with a smile, a shrug, and a "Not much, really!" She was born into a small family. Her parents are both witches, though her father never practiced magic when she was a little girl. He was the one in the back garden growing mugwart and pennyroyal and sage. She grew up learning which plants were good for brews, which you should never apply heat to, and how to get rid of aphids and slugs. She was often muddy by the end of the day, had calluses on her hands from digging by the time she was twelve, and almost always had bits of herbs in her pockets.

Her life really was quiet - or as quiet as you can get in Cable Grove - and not a lot really happened to her. Sure, things would happen around her, but that was to be expected. But to her? Not so much. College was quiet, the most exciting thing being the night she lost her virginity in the bed of a pickup truck. Afterward, she floated around for a bit, not knowing what to do with herself, when something happened that stopped her small-town heart. She won the lottery. It wasn't in Cable Grove, it was while she was on a girl's trip with her best friend in California, and they bought a ticket together on a whim. After taxes, they each walked away with just over three million dollars. She put some away, she gave some to her parents, and spent a good chunk of what was left buying a building in the middle of town that she took the better part of two years turning into a tea shop, and converting the second story into an apartment. There was a tiny courtyard that she gutted and turned into a garden, and used the second bedroom in her apartment to grow the more finicky herbs. And while she sold normal herbal teas, chammomile and peppermint and hibiscus, she also added a few witchy brews to the menu. And not just because her grandmother wistfully sighed about how Airi was ignoring her strong magical heritage.

And that really is all there is to it. She's still there, in that apartment, running that tea shop. She still has calluses on her hands, still goes to bed with mud under her fingernails, and still almost always has bits of herbs in her pockets.

PERSONALITY Airi is kind and personable, but can be easily flustered. She also doesn't like talking about witchy stuff often, unless it's plants, or certain potions. She doesn't cast, and talking about that sort of thing only reminds her of the fact that her grandmother is disappointed in her.

LIKES Hot chocolate. Hotter tea. Daffodile wine. Books that have that musty old paper smell. Trauma drama television shows. 90s thriller movies. The smell of a summer breeze coming off the lake.

DISLIKES Beer. The smell of melted butter. Those people who act like they're still in high school. People who try to tell that 'why do witches not wear panties' joke.