Emily Martin
Pagan bird mom

Name: Emily Ann Martin
Date of Birth (& age): June 15, 1989 (30)
Place of Birth: Vancouver, BC
Gender: Female
Language: English & French
Marital Status: Dating Harper Pittman
Sexuality: Lesbian
Family: Parents (Nathan and Olivia), Sister (Coralie, -8 yrs)
Friends: The D&D crowd, her cousin James and his fiance Roger
Pets: A cockatiel named Hershey, a boxer puppy named Bobbin

Physical Description

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 134 lbs
Hair: It's joked that Emily doesn't have a 'natural' hair colour, since she's been dying it since ninth grade. When asked, she says it's 'probably brown or something, I forget'. Currently it's a kind of purpley-grey
Eyes: Green
Limb Dexterity: Ambidextrous
Typical Clothing/Equipment: So eclectic. Anything from swing dresses to high waisted shorts and crop tops to shredded sweaters and leggings. All sorts of jewelry, costume mixed with healing crystals and diamonds.

The Good Stuff

  • Allergic to mold and certain tree pollens.
  • Doesn't get sick terribly often, but when she does it tends to last.
  • Sneezes really easily from any kind of stimulation to her nose.
  • Suffers from low blood sugar, so sometimes she'll up and pass out with no real warning.
  • Her allergies make her sneeze in quick, rapid fits (4-7) but colds give her slower, shorter fits that are more drawn out (2 or 3, lots of buildup)